Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 458; Wajah Tobi Akhirnya Terbuka


by: Nja 2Ch


by Shounensuki NF

A simple spoiler to start with

The spine has Yamato
spinnya yamato

The ones who made up the mercenary force called Akatsuki were advisors of many countries
salah satu yang membangun prajurit upahan yang disebut akatsuki adalah advisor banyak negara

The Tsuchikage used the Akatsuki to make money
Tsuchikage menggunakan akatsuki untuk menghasilkan uang

The Godaime Mizukage interferes, saying her country has no knowledge of this since they're isolated
Mizukage turut bicara, mengatakan kalau negaranya tak ada pengetahuan tentang akatsuki sejak mereka di isolasi

is the Yondaime Mizukage's fault... That is, the Godaime reveals that
it is possible the Yondaime has been manipulating someone)
ini kesalahan mizukage ke 4... kemungkinan mizukage ke 4 telah memanipulasi seseorang[memanipulasi atau dimanipulasi ya...]

Suna planned the Konoha Crash using the Akatsuki (Well, Gaara's father did)
sunagakure merencanakan menghancurkan konoha menggunakan akatsuki(mm.. ayah gaara melakukannya)

The Hokage is sceptic, questioning whether they should interfere with these advisors (Danzou is silent¹)
hokage skeptis, mempertanyakan apakah mereka turut campur dengan advisor itu(danzou diam saja)

The Raikage vents his anger towards the other Kage
raikage melepaskan kemarahannya pada kage lain

Those able to control the Bijuu: Madara, the Shodai Hokage, the Yondaime Mizukage, Killer Bee
Mereka yang bisa menegendalikan bijuu: madara, shodaime senju hokage, mizukage ke 4, dan killerbee

Then the neutral power states their opinion
lalu kekuatan netral membuat opini mereka

How about making an alliance of the Five Countries?
bagaimana kalau membuat persekutuan 5 negara?

the Hokage, whose country still has its Bijuu, will take supreme
command (since there's no hope for the rest). What do you think?
lalu hokage, negara yang masih punya bijuu akan mengambil komando tertinggi(sejak tak ada harapan dari yg ada). bagaimana menurut kalian?

upon hearing that, the Raikage ask "What the hell!?"
mendengar itu raikage sewot "apa-apaan ini"

And it ends with this
berakhir dengan keputusan itu

Yondaime Mizukage's face is revealed (a gentle man), but (with the
Bijuu controlling story) the Tobi = the Yondaime Mizukage things seems
to still be okay (since Kisame called him the former Mizukage-sama)
Wajah Mizukage ke 4 tampil (pria), tapi tobi=mizukage 4 masih mungkin karena kisame memanggil tobi begitu.

¹ This could also mean that he refuses to explain himself
ini mungkin berarti dia menolak menjelaskan dirinya



by: stream NF

Yamato on the cover
covernya yamato

who created the mercenary organization called Akatsuki were advisors of
different countries. They were making money (earth kage).
yang membangun akatsuki adalah advisor dari negara2 berbeda. mereka menghasilkan uang

They stopped that, and it is unknown what they are doing now (5th mizukage)
mereka menghentikannya, dan tak tau apa yang mereka lakukan sekarang

(It's the fault of the 4th mizukage... Here, the 5th reveals the 4th was likely manipulated by someone)
(ini kesalahan mizukage ke 4... sekarang mizukage ke 5 mengungkapkan kalau mizukage ke 4 dimanipulasi seseorang)

The sand tried to use Akatsuki to destroy Konoha (Gaara's father)
negara pasir menggunakan akatsuki untuk menghancurkan konoha(ayah gaara)

The hokage says they are sure talking a lot (Danzou's shutting up)
hokage mengatakan yakin mereka bicara banyak(danzou diam)

The Raikage gets angry at the others kage
raikage marah pada kage lain

Those that could control bijuus were Madara, the first Hokage, the fourth Mizukage, and Killer Bee.
yang bisa mengontrol bijuu adalah madara, hokage 1, mizukage 4 dan killer bee

The neutral country gives an idea:
negara netral memberikan ide

How about an alliance of the five countries?
bagaimana kalau membuat persekutuan 5 negara?

With the hokage, whose country still has the bijuu as supreme commander?
dengan hokage, negara yang masih punya bijuu sebagai pemimpin tertinggi?

The Raikage says "what!?" and it stops there.
raikage berkata "Apa!?" dan ini berhenti disini

see the face of the 4th mizukage (nice man) when they talk of people
able to control bijuus. Wasn't that supposed to be Tobi? At least
Kisame said so (didn't say it was the 4th though, might have been the
kita lihat wajah mizukage 4(orang baik) ketika mereka bicara siapa yang bisa mengontrol bijuu. bukankah itu adalah tobi?terakhir kisame mengatakan itu

sumber : www.hilman.web.id

1 komentar:

AsLaB_PotEnsI mengatakan...

asikkk .biasa ol